Monday, July 07, 2008

My Life - Update

Well, it's been a long long time (3 months almost) since I posted anything here, so I figure I better give a little update. Just in case anyone is checking in.

Still going to school. Didn't get 4.0 last quarter again, cuz I slacked too much in Economics. But, I'm regrouping and hoping to come back strong this quarter. Only taking 2 classes, Animation I, and Research Methods. Starting next quarter, I'll be switching into the 2 year Multimedia program, so I can get that associates on my way to my bachelors. I'm hoping the 2 year degree will help me get a job that pays more than $9/hr by mid next year, so I can have all my credit card debt gone before I get out of school and have to start paying back school loans. Egads, this is a do or die kind of situation for me. If I don't get a pretty decent paying job out of school, it's going to be a long long road... But, can't think about that right now. Just gotta focus and take care of the business at hand and have faith that the rest of it will work out alright.

I'm playing softball again this year. Our church has two teams this year, and since I wasn't able to make the first game or two this year, and I noticed that Team 2 somehow got 'loaded' with all of the kids, etc. I asked to play for them to help the team out. Although we still haven't won a game, and have only had one even close (against our Team 1 associates), I like to think I've helped keep everyone positive (as well as providing a solid offensive and defensive player to go with all the kids we have). Don't get me wrong, the kids are going to be good, but when you have over half your players having only played one or two years, as well as being half the age of a bunch of grown men on most of the other teams, it's a bit hard to compete. But, I predict more close games by the end of the year, and since we have at least 8 games left including the tournament, I feel farily confident that we will win a game before the end of the year as well. If not, I still hope we can keep the team together, cuz with one more year under our belts, we should start being pretty good I think.

As for church, I've started playing drums again. I played twice last month, and both times went alright. This month, I get to look forward to playing with the nemesis of the Music Department... The Pastor's Wife's Mother. I'm not one to complain too much about people, but she is just not a good fit on keyboard for our church. She's not too good a fit on organ either, but, at least there, if she's not fitting in, it can be covered up more by the sound department (which I am also a member of). The lady, god bless her soul, just refuses to blend in with the rest of our very talented musicians (no, I'm not talking about myself), and it's been causing more and more dissension in the department. Hopefully things get taken into hand pretty soon. Other than that, wish me luck in a couple weeks, when I get to face the trial by fire...

Also, on a musical note, I've started to jam with a co-worker who is a guitar player, and he's darned good. We've jammed... don't remember if it's 3 or 4 times now in the past 2-3 months. It's been fun, and it's helped get me back in the 'swing' (bad pun), of things, as I really haven't been drumming regularly at all since I stopped playing drums for the spanish church a year and a half ago or so after helping them out for about 5 years.

Well, I guess that's about all the news I have for the time being. I'll 'try' to be a bit more regular with my posting once again.


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